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Choosing Excellence

"When we thought you chose your life, you surprised everyone and had created something different and better than we thought," My daughter's mom said , "She used to remind me that I chose my life when it didn't seem I had much, now reminding me of this. I feel a twinge Of regret in her voice. She realized and embraced that I'm not a spare tire but I'm the owner.

I used to desire arguing the opposite but I devoted so much time to embracing the present that I had no choice but to like what manifest.

If anyone has been keeping up with the blog they will understand what my life experiences have been.

Either way, I love taking my life choices and producing prosperity, health, and consistency.

My weekend's, they vary. Largely spending with a old friend I worked in the night club industry with. For the first time, we acknowledged, "Jamal, you have a great place to live, money, great car. Every essential thing and your consistency has opened the door for you to have a abundance of the essential things necessary."

Goddess has been great to me as I have been to her.

The simple victories that began going into the complex intricate victories as I enjoy them.

I notice the differences in my life between this period and then. I am happy I'm not the guy bumming rides, no car, and prostituting myself and my abilities to try and earn chump change. I email agreements and sign them, getting lucrative contracts because that's part of the life I chose.

Today is July 2nd and one year from now I'll read this blog and laugh at how I stayed at Camp Hope, transitioned into my own residence at 804 W Viola, and then a new better place while creating a great life for me and my daughter.

So from the consistency there, I met a beautiful single woman and it's like my heart says: "You prayed for 4'11-5'4, 90-130lbs, and wise, no Marilyn Monroe latent tendencies, but beautiful and consistent in all ways going forward. She has the internal qualities, way of life, looks, attitude, and brilliance you desire, enjoy and take care of her."

I couldnt be more proud of and set a life standard of healthy, prosperous, wise, and excellence.

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